ATTENDANCE/LESSON: Students are expected to arrive on time to each lesson. No tuition adjustments will be made for missed lessons. Lessons will continue through the summer. There is time off in April (Spring Break) & May/June (Last week of school), various weeks June-August, and 2 weeks off in December (Christmas/New Years). Other periods of time off may be given throughout the year as occasion arises. Upon arrival, students should remove shoes and coats (there are hooks and a shoe mat), and sanitize their hands. Students should check their folder and complete that work first. Books and Fun sheets are available to do at the desk while waiting for your lesson to begin. I will call for a student when it is his/her turn.
RECITAL/PERFORMANCE: We have a spring recital (March/April) and fall recital (October/November). I host a Christmas Share in December for families, as well. We participate in UFMC Solo Festival in February, Ensemble Festival in November, and UMTA AIM Evaluations in November, January, and March. Students are required to be prepared for and participate in all recitals, Festivals, and AIM throughout the year. Other performance opportunities may arise throughout the year, such as MTNA Monster Concert in October, UFMC Concerto Festival, UFMC Hymn Festival - both in March, or accompanying friends for Solo & Ensemble Festivals during Jan-Mar (these are Jr High and High School events). These are optional but supported.
MAKE UP LESSON: An absence due to illness, accident or family emergency may be rescheduled providing notice at least 24 hours in advance. Absence due to family vacation may be rescheduled if given notice 2 weeks in advance. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to give notice and arrange for a make-up lesson, if desired; however, make-up lessons are not guaranteed.
TEACHER ABSENCE: The teacher reserves the right to miss lessons due to illness, etc. When less than 2 weeks notice can be given, lessons will be rescheduled or a credit given for the next month’s tuition.
PRACTICE: Students are required to practice 5 days a week and meet the minimum practice time determined by the teacher. They are expected to complete assignments and be prepared at lesson each week. Failing to do so will bring a 1-month probation period. Following probation, termination may result.
LESSON TERMINATION: Students may be asked to discontinue lessons if they have an excess of missed or unprepared lessons, at the discretion of the teacher. Lessons may also be terminated for unpaid lessons.
TUITION AND PAYMENT: Tuition is paid each month. Tuition is monthly regardless of how many lessons that month and due the first lesson of each month. If tuition is not paid by 10th of the month, a $10 late fee per student will be assessed. Students are expected to pay for all music books and materials, and performance fees. If the teacher purchases a book for a student, the amount will be added to the next month’s tuition. All payments can be made via Paypal @lissabpurple, Venmo @lissabpurple, Cash or Check @ Melissa Bearden.
PARENT PARTICIPATION: Parents are welcome to observe any lesson. Parents are asked to attend at least the first month of lessons, then as needed to ensure students are practicing good habits and assignments correctly. If parent observation becomes a distraction, parents will be asked to leave. Please do NOT bring younger siblings to lessons. Parents are asked to encourage students and to be active participants during practice at home.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Each student will need a ½” 3-ring binder with hard sides, clear front cover, and inside pockets. Also, a bag to carry books to/from lessons is highly recommended, but not required. At home, students should have an acoustic piano (does not plug in) to develop proper technique and ear training. An electric piano is acceptable to begin, but an acoustic piano will be required at some point. If you have an electric piano, weighted keys are encouraged. Students should also have a metronome, pencil, and a timer for practice time.
LESSON: Students will arrive on time, prepared with books and binder. During lesson, we will learn theory, technique, sight reading, ear training, and performance skills.